In that same directory, create the OSGi bundle archive file as follows: java -jar - version.jar \ Your tmp/ directory should now contain the following files: ls ~/Downloads/tmp/ activemq-client-5.16.1.jar activemq.bnd - version.jar The file should have the following contents: version=5.16.1 In a text editor, create a BND file named activemq.bnd and save it to the current directory. Mv ~/Downloads/apache-activemq-5.16.1/lib/activemq-client-5.16.1.jar ~/Downloads/tmp/ For example: tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/apache-activemq-5.16.1-bin.tarĬreate a temporary directory, move the ActiveMQ Client, and bnd JAR files to that directory, then change to that directory: mkdir ~/Downloads/tmp